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[Latest] Download WhatsApp Gold Blue Pro APK v11.75 Mod by Abu3rab | Download WhatsApp Blue Plus by Abo3rab

[Updated] Download WhatsApp Plus Blue APK V11.75 Mod by Abu3rab Antiban and safe from hackers daily update

Whatsapp Blue Plus is an alternative to official WhatsApp Inc, it has its own many features. it is basically developed by Abu3rab from Arab. But because of some issues, he stopped developing or updating the Blue Whatsapp.

[Latest] Download WhatsApp Gold Blue Pro APK v11.75 Mod by Abu3rab | Download WhatsApp Blue Plus by Abo3rab
 [Latest] Download WhatsApp Gold Blue Pro APK v11.75 Mod by Abu3rab | Download WhatsApp Blue Plus by Abo3rab

It is a built-in version of the green WhatsApp cloned and modified from the golden WhatsApp Abu Arab, which is version 4 of WhatsApp, which is installed next to the blue version and the red and blue WhatsApp. spying on you.

WhatsApp Blue APK V11.75 Download the Latest Update

Dear friends!. Welcome all of you to EhsanTechCorner, Hopefully, all of you will be very fine! Ma Shaa Allah! As all of you know as always we send the latest technology-related information and posts, many third-party WhatsApp is more famous in the market. After the WhatsApp Abu Arab golden and red versions and the green WhatsApp Plus became popular, users requested the fourth version of WhatsApp Abu Arab to be installed next to the three versions. The users’ request was met and a new version was developed called WhatsApp Blue APK Pro it has won a lot of admiration, and a lot of people are using it now. We will mention all the features of WhatsApp Gold Pro and the way to download and update it, as well as how to install it with illustrations, following the explanation to the other.

Go to the Download WhatsApp Blue Apk Link

WhatsApp Blue Plus V11.75 latest updated version by AbuArab

WWhatsapp Blue Plus is an alternative to official WhatsApp Inc, it has its own many features. it is basically developed by Abu3rab from Arab. But because of some issues, he stopped developing or updating the Blue Plus Whatsapp. but don't you worry here Assem Mahgoob is for serving you from Yamen he took over the task to update its latest versions according to the market and users' demands? at the beginning of this journey, it was so hard for him to have updated WhatsApp but he didn't give up and continued working on it! and get success and now his WhatsApp Blue Plusis number#1 copy from Google as its rating of download and installation is number#1. He added many extraordinary features and most of them its mobile-friendly apps (No hanging, no freezing)just install and enjoy your journey on this WhatsApp. Now in the market, its latest version 11.75 is released what we are talking about here.

Features of WhatsApp Blue Plus V11.75

WhatsApp Blue Plus V11.75 has lots of features that might be extra or extraordinary features. we will tell in detail below this.

  1. Download and save statuses
  2. Privacy for custom chat
  3. Launch time PIN/Password/fingerprint.
  4. Custom themes
  5. Anti-ban with proof.
  6. Hide Chats with PIN/Password/Fingerprint.
  7. 4200+ Themes for WhatsApp Gold.
  8. Hide Last Seen
  9. Hide Second ticks.
  10. Hide status view.
  11. Status views toast.
  12. Online partner Toast.
  13. Auto reply to your clients.
  14. Schedule message sending to let connect you with your near and dear ones.
  15. Backup and Restore feature built-in.
  16. Enable a Forward limit of more than 5 persons at a time.
  17. Forward messages without forwarding tags.
  18. Custom Conversation screen Settings.
  19. Custom bubbles styles.
  20. Hide the partner's name from the conversation screen.
  21. Quick Contact feature.
  22. Groups and Chats screen separations.
  23. Allows you to set One UI system.
  24. DND (Disable Network)
  25. Added 15+ Notification tones built-in WhatsApp.
  26. WhatsApp Blue Plus provides you a log system that always tracks your contacts' activities on WhatsApp e.g. Online/Offline time Profile change time. About info changing time.
  27. You can now Add/use Multiple accounts in one WhatsApp.
  28. Voice Changer.

What's New in WhatsApp Blue V11.75

  • 🕐 Base Update: (https://wa.gold/android/whatsapp-gold/) — Play Store
  • 🛠 Fixed Pinned chats
  • ❤️ Enabled Username Feature
  • ❤️ Enabled Green dots Automatically in chats
  • ❤️ Enabled Toast who viewed your status by default
  • 🛠 Fixed Showing Name & Date when copying more than 1 messages
  • 🛠 Fixed Open chats from notifications
  • 🛠 Fixed Listen to voice notes(Speaker)
  • 🛠 Fixed Showing profile pic of hidden chats in Notifications
  • 🛠 Fixed Hidden chats options
  • 🛠 Fixed Long click on messages
  • 🛠 Fixed Open hidden chats in some phones
  • 🛠 Some Theme problems
  • 🛠 Other Fixes
  • ⏫ تحديث قاعد واتساب الى
  • ➕ إضافة وضع الشبح
  • ملاحظة:
  • حصريا يمكنك الان معرفة اي شخص يكتب لك رسالة (سواء رقمه مخزن لديك ام غير مخزن) يأتيك اشعار بذلك، تم اعداد الاشعار بحيث ما يكون مزعج للمستخدم(سبام)
  • حصريا يمكنك الان تلقي تنبيه عندما يقوم الطرف الاخر بقراءة رسالتك(حدد اي رسالة ثم اختر تنبيه عند القراءة)
  • ➕ إضافة مجددا خيار ايقونة وضع الليلي/النهاري في الشاشة الرئيسية
  • عند تفعيل وضع الشبح سوف تكون مخفي لدى الجميع، اخفار ظهورك،الاشخاص الأخرين سوف يعتقدون انك لم تستلم رسالتهم، عند فتح الرسالة لن تتحول الى رسالة مقروءة ، ويمكنك مشاهدة الحالات بالمخفي ايضا
  • ➕ إضافة خيار التحميل المنفصل لكل محادثة
  • ➕ إضافةخيار الرجوع الى الواجهة الرئيسية القديمة(طلب من المتابعين)
  • ➕ إضافة يمكنك الان ان تقرأ جميع اريف الرسائل المعدلة
  • ➕ إضافة خيار اظهار/اخفاء وضع الشبح
  • ✔️ تفعيل اضافة رقم ثاني من نفس النسخة
  • ✔️ تفعيل شكل الاعدادات الجديد
  • ✔️ تفعيل انشاء اسم مستعار لك (يجب الانتظار التفعيل الرسمي من السيرفر)
  • ✔️ تفعيل اضافة بريدك الاكتروني لرقم هاتفك
  • ✔️ تفعيل خيار القبول لدى مشرف المحموعة عند دخول شخص جديد الى المجموعة
  • الغاء تفعيل بعض الميزات لاجل سلاسة الاستخدام وعدم حصول مشاكل
  • ⛏ تحسين تم تحسين النسخة من الحظر
  • 🛠إصلاح إصلاح الخصوصية لمستخدمي نسخة واتساب الاعمال
  • ⚙️ نقل تم نقل وضع الليل/النهار الى (اضافات الذهبي/الثيمات)
  • ⚙️ مزيد استمتعوا واكتشفوا الجديد بنفسكم!
  • ⚙️ مزيد إصلاحات وتحسينات أخرى

الاصلاحات في الاصدار V11.75

  • إصلاح اخفاء مشاهدة الحالة من دون علم الطرف الاخر في بعض الاجهزة
  • إصلاح البحث في خانة الاتصال
  • إصلاح المسافه الفاضيه عند التمرير عند البعض في UI
  • إصلاح تعطل عشوائي لشريط الفقاعة السفلية
  • إصلاح مشاهدة الميديا عند ارسالها مرة واحدة
  • إصلاح انهيارات في بعض الهواتف
  • إصلاح مساحة التخزين في إصدارات اندرويد 14
  • إصلاح النسخ الاحتياطي والاستعادة في إصدارات اندرويد 13 وما فوق
  • إصلاح اخطاء مباشرة في بعض الاجهزة
  • إصلاح تحميل الثيمات في اصدارات اندرويد 14
  • مزيد استمتعوا واكتشفوا الجديد بنفسكم!
  • مزيد إصلاحات وتحسينات أخرى

The Application is updated based on daily routine. The Copy of WhatsApp Golden Pro (Blue) you will download will be the latest update.

How to install and activate WhatsApp Blue Pro?

The easiest way to install WhatsApp in the right way is to first download WhatsApp from the link below the article, specifically by clicking on the word “Direct Download” After downloading WhatsApp Blue Pro we activate the option to install applications from other sources and press install, then we open the application and enter the number and wait until a message is received Download the activation code, then we enter the code and we click on continue and this is how you have finished installing and activating the download of the old version of the blue WhatsApp.

[Updated] Download WhatsApp Blue APK v11.75 Mod by Abu3rab

How to solve the problem to use official whatsapp in 2024?

Download WHATSAPP BLUE PLUS APK 2023 BY Assem Mahgoob

App name

WhatsApp Blue Plus

Package name




Mod by


Last Update


Alternative Apps

Download WhatsApp Gold Abu3rab

Download WhatsApp Blue Plus from MediaFire


Here I gave WhatsApp Gold to You, this is an official WhatsApp Gold by Abu-Turab. other than our website you will find WhatsApp Gold with a fake copy of WhatsApp but they would not be official WhatsApp Gold. this is totally free of cost. please type your feedback if you found any issues.>

Chaudhary Ehsan Kamboh
Chaudhary Ehsan Kamboh
A technology enthusiast. Fascinated by technology. Currently, a student of Bs Political Science as well as computer engineering passioned about the Chinese world of Smart Devices and their innovation in the pricing and quality. I like to take photos and venture into natural places


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